‘Tales of Bhola Grandpa’ – Textual Questions and Answers, Class IX, WBBSE

                                                               Exercise 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1) In the bokal tree there lived

(a)crows                       [         ]  

b)monkeys [ ✓ ]

(c)tigers                        [         ]

(d)sparrows                 [         ]                        

2)On the way back from the festival, Bhola Grandpa tightly held on the two fingers of his –

(a)son                           [            ]                     

(b)cousin                     [            ]                      

(c)grandson                [    ✓  ]                       

(d)nephew                  [            ]                               

3)A gang of pirates were burying a

(a)large box                [    ✓     ]                

(b)small box               [            ]              

(c)lagre bag                [            ]                  

(d)small bag               [            ]                   

4) Bhola Grandpa was returning from the –

(a)yearly market               [            ]                     

(b)monthly market          [            ]                

(c)daily market                  [           ]            

(d)weekly market             [     ✓  ]                    

5) Bhola Grandpa died at the age of

(a)eighty-five                    [             ]      

(b)ninety-five                   [      ✓   ] 

(c)fifty-five                       [             ] 

(d)seventy-five                [              ]                   

                                                                   Exercise 2

Answer the following questions within fifteen words:

(a)When did Bhola Grandpa let out a loud wail?

Ans. Bhola Grandpa let out a loud wail when he remembered his grandson who was lost in the festival.

(b)Where had the grandson found a cosy shelter?

Ans. The grandson had found a cosy shelter under a cow’s belly.

(c)What request did Bhola Grandpa make to the first man he saw on the mound?

Ans. Bhola Grandpa requested some water to drink.

(d)How old was Bhola Grandpa’s wife when he died?

Ans. Bhola Grandpa’s wife was eighty-year-old when he died.

                                                                 Exercise 3

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

(a)Why was no real treasure found under the sand dunes?

Ans. No real treasure was found under the sand dunes because the story of pirates and hidden treasure was all a dream that he had during his midday nap.

(b)What did the tiger do after Bhola Grandpa had climbed up the banyan tree?

Ans. The tiger roared and circled the tree about a hundred times. Then it settled down under a bush without taking its eyes off him.

(c)What was the reason of Bhola Grandpa’s death according to his wife?

Ans. According to his wife, the reason of Bhola grandpa’s death was that he must have forgotten to Breathe.

                                                                Exercise 4

Change the mode of Narration of the following questions:

(a)Bulbul said to his friend, “Will you come tomorrow?”

Ans. Bulbul asked his friend if he would come the next day.

(b)Paulomi says, “I am fine.”

Ans. Poulomi says that she is fine.

(c)The teacher said to the students, “Keep quiet.”

Ans. The teacher ordered the students to keep quiet.

(d)My mother said to me, “May your dream come true.”

Ans. My mother wished that my dream might come true.

(e)The students said, “Sir, please allow us to play in the field.”

Ans. The students humbly requested to allow them to play in the field.

                                                    Exercise 5

In each of the sentences of the following passage, some articles and prepositions are found in an incorrect manner. Underline them and replace them with the appropriate ones:

On an winter night I was abroad a boat. It was a moonlit night full on stars. The boat was anchored up a great river. I was thrilled to see a beauty of nature.

Ans. On an winter night I was abroad a boat. It was a moonlit night full on stars. The boat was anchored up a great river. I was thrilled to see a beauty of nature.

[On a winter night I was abroad a boat. It was a moonlit night full of stars. The boat was anchored in a great river. I was thrilled to see the beauty of nature.]


                                                                  Exercise 6

Write a dialogue within 100 words on the need to ban the use of animals like tigers and lions as circus attractions:

Hints: wild animals decreasing – ill-treatment to animals in circuses – criminal offence – laws against such – need to be human to animals.

Click Here for the Answer


                                                                    Exercise 7

Write a story within 100 words using the given hints. Give a title to the story:

Hints: returning from educational excursion by bus – night journey – sudden breakdown – tyres punctured – had to wait for two hours at a lonely place –  tyre fixed – back home.

Click Here for the Answer

Also read:

1. Tales of Bhla Grandpa

2. All about Gog

3. Autumn

4.A Day in the Zoo

5. All Summer in a Day

6. Mild the Mist Upon the Hill

7. Tom Loses a Tooth

8. His First Flight

9. The North Ship

10. The Price of Bananas

11. A Shipwreck Sailor

12. Hunting Snake

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