Letter to the Headmaster seeking leave of absence

You had been ill for three days. Write a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school seeking a leave of absence for those days.

Ans. To

The Headmaster,

Bidhannagar High School,

Bidhannagar, Durgapur,

                              Sub: Leave of absence

Dear Sir,

Most respectfully, I beg to state that I was unable to attend school for three days from Oct 23 to Oct 25 as I was down with a high fever due to a viral infection.

I would be highly obliged if you could kindly grant me a leave of absence for those three days. The prescription of a doctor is attached to it.

Thanking you.

                                    Yours obediently,

                                    Sankar Nath

                          (class-IX, sec-c,roll-5)

Date: 26.10.22

Place: khatpukur, Durgapur

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