Paragraph: A Dawn in My Locality

Using the following points write a paragraph in about 100 words on how your locality looks like at dawn:

[your place of stay-early morning sky-description of the nature around-sounds that are heard-reasons for enjoyment-conclusion ]

Ans. A Dawn in My Locality

I live in a semi-urban place near Durgapur in Paschim Burdwan. Though the place is not rural, I still enjoy the dawn very much. A charming atmosphere prevails everywhere in our locality. The sky remains light yellow at this time. The patches of clouds sail across the sky. The morning sun that rises from the horizon is the best scene for me. Everything – the fields, plants, houses- is slightly drenched with morning dew. I see the health-conscious men and women walking. They also collect the freshly bloomed flowers for the morning -prayer.  The buzzing sounds of bees, butterflies and insects can be heard. The soothing environment energies my spirit for the whole day.

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