Letter to the Manager of a Hotel for Booking Rooms

You want to visit a tourist spot during the Puja vacation. Write a letter within 100 words to the manager of a hotel enquiring about the availability of rooms, the cost involved and sites to be seen.

Ans. To

The Manager,

Hotel Good Fortune,

Gang Tok, Sikkim,

                        Sub: Hotel Booking.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that I need two bedded rooms in your hotel for five days from November 15 to November 19. I came to know the reputation of your hotel for good service and reasonable price.

So, let me know the availability of the rooms during that time and their cost per day. Can you tell me the sites to be seen surrounding your hotel? Please inform me through mail at an early date so that I can make the necessary arrangements.

Thanking you.

                                  Yours faithfully,

                                     Ashok Nag


Place: Ghoshpur, Southgaria,

           Baruipur, 743613

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