As You Like It – questions and answers(S.A.Q.), Class – 11, WBCHSE

(Multiple Choice Question can be easily covered with the following questions and answers)

  1. What was the Provence  called in France?

 Ans – Dukedom.

  2)Who banished the lawful duke?

Ans –His younger brother, Duke Fredrick.

3)Who was the usurper ?

Ans – Duke Fredrick.

4) Who was Rosalind ?

Ans – The daughter of the banished Duke.

5)Where did the Duke take shelter?

Ans – In the Forest of Arden.

6)How did the duke and his followers live in the  forest?

Ans – Like Robin Hood of England.

7)Who was Celia?

Ans – Daughter of Duke Fredrick.

8)What are the effects of  adversities upon the Duke in the forest?

Ans – Moralistic effect.

9)Did the discord between the two Dukes affect the sweet relationship Rosalind and Celia?

Ans – No.

10)What made Rosalind sad/melancholy?

Ans – Her father’s banishment.

11)Between whom  did the wrestling match take place?

Ans – Between Orlando and a practiced wrestler.

12)Who is the winner of the match?

Ans – Orlando.

13)Who entreated Orlando to dissuade from the fighting?

Ans – First Celia, then Rosalind.

14)Who felt most for Orlando?

Ans – Rosalind.

15)Who was displeased with Orlando?

Abs – Duke  Fredrick.

16)What was the cause of his displeasure?

Ans – As Orlando was  the son of Rowland the Boys.

17)What did Rosalind give Orlando as a gift?

Ans – A chain.

18)Who arranged the wrestling match?

Ans – Oliver.

19)Who took the name of Ganymede?

Ans – Rosalind.

20)Who disguised  herself as Aliena?

Ans – Celia.

21)Where did Rosalind and Celia took shelter?

Ans – In the Forest of Arden.

22) What did they take with them?

Ans –       Money and jewels                                     

23)What did Rosalind and Celia buy in the Forest of Arden?

Ans – A house and sheep of a shepherd.

24)Who planned to kill Orlando?

 Ans – Oliver.

25)Who was the old servant of Rowland de Boys?

Ans – Adam.

26)Who informed Orlando of his murder plan by Oliver?

Ans – Adam.

27)Who helped Orlando with five hundred crowns?

Ans – Adam.

28)Who demanded food from the Duke?

Ans – Orlando.

29)Who wrote the love poems on the bark of the trees?

Ans – Orlando.

30)To whom were the sonnets addressed?

Ans – Rosalind.

31)Who wished to cure Orlando of his love –sickness?

Ans – Ganymede

32)Who saved Oliver from venomous snake and hungry lioness?

Ans – Orlando.

33)What was the real reason of Rosalind’s coming to the forest?

Ans – To find out of her father.

34)What happened to Gagymede on hearing the wounds of Orlando?

Ans – She fainted.

35)Whom did Orlando invite on the occasion of the wedding of Oliver and oliver?

Ans – The Duke.

36)Who promised to bring Rosalind before Orlando by her special magical power?

Ans – Ganymede.

37)Who changed the mind of the Duke Fredrick when he came to the forest?

Ans – A hermit.

38)Who informed the Duke that his dukedom was restored for him?

Ans – A messenger.

39)Where did the transformed Duke wish to spend his remaining life?

Ans – In a religious house.

40)What kind of comedy is As You Like It?

Ans – A romantic comedy   /  a pastoral comedy.

Read more about : Collection of M.C.Q. from The previous year Annual Exams from ‘Tales From Shakespeare, Class 11, WBCHSE

Read more about : ‘As You Like It’ – Questions and Answers (L.A.Q.), Class 11, WBCHSE

Read more about : ‘As You Like It’ – summary from ‘Tales from Shakespeare’

1 thought on “As You Like It – questions and answers(S.A.Q.), Class – 11, WBCHSE”

  1. Arikith Roy Chowdhury

    Thank you very much sir. I am highly helped because of your website. The answers here are to the point and written in very simple and beautiful language. My XI annual exam went very well and I would give the credit to you. This website is indeed a great service to the students especially at this time.

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