Newspaper Report: A Daring Burglary in a Flat

Write a newspaper report(within 100 words) on the incident of burglary in a flat in Kolkata using the following points:

[date and place – occupants of the house – numbers of robbers – list of articles stolen – police investigation]

Ans. Kolkata, July 20: A daring burglary occurred today at 2 pm in a flat near Rabindra Sarobar in Kolkata. A family with four members live in this flat. According to the lady of the house, she was then alone and was expecting her online order to come. When the bell rang, she opened the door. The two miscreants in disguise as the delivery boys entered the room forcibly. Then one of them kept her silence at gunpoint. The other miscreant unlocked the almirah and bagged the cash of Rs 40 thousand and jewellery worth Rs. 5 lakhs. The police were informed immediately and they arrived after half an hour. According to them, the miscreants were waiting for the right time to come when the security guard would go for lunch. Still, no one has been arrested but the police assured the flat owners that the jewellery would be rescued soon.

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