Letter to your aunt describing an adventure story

Suppose you have read an interesting adventure story recently. Write a letter in about eighty words to your aunt describing the story and telling her why you liked it.


My dear aunt, [Your address]

Hope you are well. I am pretty fine. I have recently read an American adventure novel named ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ written by Earnest Hemingway. I will briefly describe the story. I think you would like it.

The protagonist of the novel is Santiago, an old fisherman. He could not catch any fish for 84 days. On the 85th day, he set out alone taking his skiff far onto the Gulf Stream. He caught a big Marlin but he was unable to pull the great marlin out of the sea. For two nights and two days, he fought with the Marlin. When the Marlin came near his boat, he stabbed the fish with a harpoon. Then many sharks attacked the Marlin. He tried so hard to drive away the sharks but they devoured all its masses leaving only the Marine’s backbone.

Though Santiago’s efforts were void, the story shows his tension and struggle. He was wounded and exhausted but he never gave up. I like the story very much.

                     Yours affectionately,

(Your name)

[Aunt’s address]

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