‘The Proposal’ by Anton Chekhov – Questions and Answers(M.C.Q.), Class 12, WBCHSE

1. The Proposal is written by –

A) Irfan Habib B) Anton Chekhov C) J.M Synge D) Shakespeare

Ans. B) Anton Chekhov

2. Anton Chekhov was a/an –

A) Russian writer B)English writer C) German writer  D) French writer

Ans. A) Russian writer

3. The Proposal is a Russian –

A) One-act-play B) short story C) five-act-play D)novel

Ans. A) One-act-play

4. The format of the play ‘The Proposal’ is –

A) one-act play B) comedy  C) tragedy D) farce

Ans. A) one-act play

5. The exaggerated and caricatured presentation of the character entitles the play as –

A) melodrama B) comedy C) clowning D) farce

Ans. D) farce

6. ‘The Proposal’ was first performed in –

A) 1900 B) 1910 C) 1890 D) 1880

Ans. C) 1890

7. How many characters does the play have? –

A) Three B) two C) five  D) four

Ans. A) Three

8. ‘The Proposal’ is set in a –

A) country-square B) corporate house C) farm-house D) country-house

Ans. D) country-house

9. Chubukov is a –

A) merchant B) physician C) land owner D) lawyer [H.S. = 2016]

Ans. C) land owner

10. Lomov is a –

A) merchant B) pettifogger C) land grabber D) land owner

Ans. D) land owner

11. Lomov went to his neighbour, Chubukov’s house –

A) to borrow money  B) to settle a dispute C) to give a marriage proposal  D) to complain [H.S. – 2018 & 2022]

Ans. C) to give a marriage proposal

12. Lomov comes to Chubukuv’s house –

A) to propose to his daughter B) like a good neighbour C) for a formal meeting  D) to borrow money from Chubukov. [H.S. – 2016]

Ans. A) to propose to his daughter

13. Natalya is in her –

A) teens B) mid-thirties C) mid-twenties D) adolescence

Ans. C) mid-twenties

14. Lomov is in his –

A) mid-twenties B) mid-thirties C) mid-forties D) mid-fifties

15. The age of Lomov was _______ years.

A) 32 B) 35 C) 38 D) 40

Ans. B) 35

16. What is a critical age according to Lomov? –

A) 32 B) 35 C) 36 D) 38

Ans. B) 35

17. When Lomov arrived, Chubukov was surprised by his –

A) evening dress B) palpitation C) shyness  D) impudence [H.S. – 2016]

Ans. A) evening dress.

18. Lomov is dressed in formal clothes because –

A) it is New Year’s Eve B) he loves Natalya and is going to propose to her  C) he has come to finalise a business deal with Chubukov D) he has come to propose to Natalya

Ans. D) he has come to propose to Natalya

19. Lomov suffers from –

A) tuberculosis B) arthritis C) obsessive-compulsive disorder D) palpitations

Ans. D) palpitations

20. The character who was suffered from the worst kind of nervous disorder was –

A) Natalya Stepanovna B) Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov C) Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov D) Squeezer

Ans. B) Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov

21. Chubukov doubts that Lomov has come to –

A) borrow seeds B) borrow threshing machine C) borrow money D)buy a dog

Ans. C) borrow money

22. Chubukov wanted that Lomov should ‘spit it out’. Here ‘spit … out’ means –

A) to spit upon the floor B) to spit against someone C) to speak out clearly D) to swallow Chubukov’s spit

Ans. C) to speak out clearly

23. Chubukov addresses Lomov as –

A) a devil B) a peasant C) an angel D) a darling [H.S. – 2017]

Ans. C) an angel.

24. Chubukov is ‘glad’ because –

A) Ivan has visited his country house B) Ivan has asked Natalya’s hand in marriage C) Ivan has repaid his debt D) Ivan married Chubukov’s daughter

Ans. B) Ivan has asked Natalya’s hand in marriage

25. Ivan was afraid that he would never get married if –

A) he was less aged B) he was in business C) he was not in love with Natalya D) he hesitated, talked a lot, looked for an ideal or for real love

Ans. D) he hesitated, talked a lot, looked for an ideal or for real love

26. Lomov describes his problem by saying ‘I jump up like a lunatic walk about a bit … and this may happen twenty times’. This description proves that Lomov has been suffering from –

A) fear of getting married B) nervous disorder C) mental problem D) interpersonal problem

Ans. B) nervous disorder

27. Chubukov is –

A) ready to lend money to Lomov B) not going to lend money to Lomov C) not in a position to lend money to anybody D) going to borrow money from Lomov.

Ans. B) not going to lend money to Lomov

28. According to Lomov, Natalya is –

A) an inexperienced housekeeper B) an excellent housekeeper C) not interested in housekeeping D) interested to learn about the housekeeping

Ans. B) an excellent housekeeper

29. Natalya is –

A) not educated B) informally educated C) well-educated D) just literate

Ans. C) well-educated

30. Lomov thinks of leading ______________ life.

A) a quiet and religious B) quite unconventional  C) a quiet and regular D) an exciting

Ans. C) a quiet and regular

31. The worst of Lomov’s physical problems is –

A) the way he sleeps B) his palpitations C)his headache D)his limp [H.S. – 2019 & 2022]

Ans. A) the way he sleeps

32. Lomov has two considerations regarding marriage –

A) that he is thirty-five and must lead a stable life B) that he suffers from lunacy and sleeplessness C) that he must consolidate property and make gains D) that he must enjoy love and passion

Ans. A) that he is thirty-five and must lead a stable life

33. Chubukov is delighted with the proposal for the following reason –

A) Natalya can at last return her love for Lomov B) Lomov loves Natalya C) Chubukov had moved this proposal a long time ago D) Chubukov would like to see his daughter married

Ans. D) Chubukov would like to see his daughter married

34. Chubukov told his daughter that a merchant had come for his goods. Here merchant refers to –

A) Ivan’s grandfather B) Ivan’s aunt’s father C) Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov D) Chubukov’s son

Ans. C) Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov

35. When Natalya met Lomov for the first time in the play, The Proposal, she was wearing –

A) surgeon’s headdress B) chef’s apron C) a negligee D) apron and negligee

Ans. C) a negligee

36. Lomov refuses to have lunch with Natalya and Chubukov because –

A) he does not eat at other’s place B) he was not invited C) he has already had his lunch D) he will have it somewhere else

Ans. C) he has already had his lunch

37. Natalya was shelling ……….. for drying –

A) beans B) peas  C)barley  D) meadows [H.S. – 2017]

Ans. B) peas.

38. When Lomov arrived, Natalya was –

A) instructing her mowers B) shelling peas for drying  C) stacking hay D) reading a book    [H.S. – 2020]

Ans. B) shelling peas for drying

39. The day when Lomov meets Natalya, the weather is –

A) gloomy C) cloudy C) wet D) splendid

Ans. D) splendid

40. Natalya told Lomov that the previous day,  the workers had not done anything as the weather was –

A) gloomy C) cloudy C) wet D) splendid

Ans. C) wet

41. Natalya thinks that Lomov is going to –

A) a marriage ceremony B) a ball C) a fashion show D) a dog-show

Ans. B) a ball

42. According to Lomov, the Lomovs and the Chubukovs have always had –

A) the most friendly and affectionate relationship B) a spiteful relationship C) an indifferent and casual relationship D) a critical relationship

Ans. A) the most friendly and affectionate relationship

43. The first argument is over –

A) land B) dogs C) labour D) threshing-machine [H.S. = 2020]

Ans. A) land

44. The ‘Oxen Meadows’ as mentioned in the text refers to the land –

A) away from Meadows used for oxen B) wedged between ‘Oxen’ and ‘Meadows’ C) wedged between Lomov’s birch woods and Natalya’s Marsh D) wedged between Natalya’s birch woods and the Burnt Marsh

Ans. D) wedged between Natalya’s birch woods and the Burnt Marsh

45. Lomov told Natalya that he had inherited the land from –

A) his aunt and her husband B) his aunt’s husband C) his aunt’s father-in-law D) his aunt’s husband’s son-in-law

Ans. A) his aunt and her husband

46. According to Lomov his Aunt’s grandmother gave the free use of ‘Oxen Meadows’ to –

A) Chubukov B) Chubukov’s grandmother C) Chubukov’s daughter D) Chubukov’s grandfather

Ans. D) Chubukov’s grandfather

48. According to Lomov, Oxen Meadows were given for the use of Chubukov’s grandfather by Lomov’s –

A) aunt B) grandmother C) aunt’s grandmother D) grandmother’s aunt

Ans. C) aunt’s grandmother

49. For using Oxen Meadows, according to Lomov, the peasants had to –

A) make tiles B) make bricks C) stack hay D) bake cakes

Ans. B) make bricks

50. Natalya says that they have had Oxen Meadows for –

A) nearly two hundred years B) nearly three hundred years C) three hundred and fifty years D) four hundred years

Ans. B) nearly three hundred years

51. Oxen Meadows come to –

A) six dessiatins B) five dessiatins C) nine dessiatins D) six acres

Ans. B) five dessiatins

52. Oxen meadows come to –

A) 7 acres B) 14.5 acres  A) 15.5 acres D)13.5 acres

Ans. D)13.5 acres

53. According to Natalya, Oxen Meadows are worth perhaps

A) 330 roubles B)300 roubles C) 430 roubles D) 400 roubles

Ans. B)300 roubles

54. According to Natalya, they had lent Lomov their –

A) hunting dog  B) lands C) peasants D) threshing machine [H.S. – 2017]

Ans. D) threshing machine.

55. As Natalya lent her threshing machine to Lomov she had to put off her threshing till –

A) mid-September B) mid-October C) December D) November

Ans. D) November

56. Chubukov warns to take the matter of Oxen Meadows –

A) to court B) to the count C) to the villagers D)to the minister

Ans. A) to court

57. The word ‘pettifogger’ has been used in ‘The Proposal’ to describe –

A) Lomov B) Chubukov C) Natalya D)Mironov

Ans. A) Lomov

58. ‘Petty fogger’ here means –

A) a lawyer who deals in petty cases B) a peasant who travels in fog C) a fisherman who sells meat D) a taxi-driver

Ans. A) a lawyer who deals in petty cases

59. Lomov blamed Chubukov “you’re not a neighbour, you’re a grabber!” Here ‘grabber’ means

A) one who is poor B) one who occupies another’s property by force C) one who lives in Grab street D) one who is a great sportsman

Ans. B) one who occupies another’s property by force

60. According to Lomov, Chubukov’s grandfather was tried for –

A) theft B) encroachment C)embezzlement D) purchasing votes

Ans. C) embezzlement

61. The word ’embezzlement’ means –

A) cheating one of his or her cash or landed property B) a type of embroidery C) a type of government D) a type of college enjoyment

Ans. A) cheating one of his or her cash or landed property

62. Chubukov comments that Lomovs’ have had in their family –

A) Autocracy   B) lunacy C) hypocrisy  D) democracy   [H.S. – 2018]

Ans B) lunacy.

63. Chubukov accuses Lomov’s grandfather as

A) a drunkard B) a gambler C) a backbiter D) a thief

Ans. A) a drunkard

64. Chubukov used the word ‘back-biters’ for ‘Lomovs’. Here ‘back-biters’ mean –

A) people who bite their backs B) people who bite back part of a loaf C) people who praise others behind their back D) people who blame others behind their back

Ans. D) people who blame others behind their back

65. Natalya called Lomov a ‘monster’ because –

A) Lomov was a monster B) Lomov grabbed Natalya’s ‘Oxen Meadows’ and blamed Chubukov C) Lomov was a married man D) Lomov was still a bachelor

Ans. B) Lomov grabbed Natalya’s ‘Oxen Meadows’ and blamed Chubukov

67. Lomov’s aunt’s name is –

A) Natalya Stepanova  B) Natasha Vassilvitch C) Nastasya Mihailovna D)Natalya Mihailovna  [H.S. – 2018 & 2022]

Ans. C) Nastasys Mihailovna

68. Chubukov said that Lomov’s younger aunt had run away with –

A) a hunter B) a drunkard C) a count D) an architect [H.S. – 2019 &2022]

Ans. D) an architect

69. Chubukov calls Lomov’s father –

A) a drunkard only B) a thief C) a backbiter D) a guzzling gambler

Ans. D) a guzzling gambler

NOTE: (Chubukov called Lomov as a malicious/double-faced intriguer/ the villain/the scarecrow/a turnip ghost/stuffed sausage/the wizen-faced frump/ the slipper of his housekeeper)

70. Natalya calls Lomov’s aunt –

A) a blind-hen B) a backbiter C) a witch D) an intriguer

Ans. B) a backbiter

71. Lomov describes Chubukov’s mother as –

A) an intriguer B) lame-footed C) hump-backed D)a backbiter

Ans. C) hump-backed

72. The expression ‘give it to them in the neck’ means –

A) a lot is to be given B) attack them in the neck C) break their neck D) to drive them out

Ans. D) to drive them out

73. When Natalya comes to know that Lomov has come to propose to her, she asks her father to –

A) never allow him again B) take him to court C) get him by the neck  D) bring him back [H.S. – 2020]

Ans. D) bring him back.

75. Natalya wanted that Lomov should come back because –

A) she wanted to accept Lomov’s marriage proposal B) she wanted to abuse Lomov C) she loved Lomov D) she wanted to run away with Lomov

Ans. A) she wanted to accept Lomov’s marriage proposal

76. When Lomov returns, Natalya –

A) does not say anything about Oxen Meadows B) remains firm on her stand about Oxen Meadows C) leaves her claim over Oxen Meadows D) presents Oxen Meadows to Lomov

Ans. C) leaves her claim over Oxen Meadows

78. The ‘misfortune’ that Lomov mentions to Natalya –

A) is about his palpitation B) is about his foot going numb C) is related to his dog D) is related to his marriage

Ans. C) is related to his dog

79. Lomov hoped to go for shooting –

A) before the harvest B) in November C) in June D) after the harvest  [H.S. – 2020]

Ans. D) after the harvest

80. What is the second argument over? –

A) Labour problem B) Oxen Meadows C) Natalya’s love for another man D) Squeezer and Guess

Ans. D) Squeezer and Guess

81. The name of Natalya’s dog is –

A) Squeezer  B) Mirnov C) Guess D) Ivan [H.S.- 2016]

Ans. A) Squeezer 

82. Whose dog is blamed as ‘overshot’? –

A) Lomov’s dog B) Natalya’s dog C) Nastasya’s dog D) Natalya’s bitch

Ans. B) Natalya’s dog

83. Lomov wanted to remind Natalya that her dog was –

A) ugly B) old C) overshot D) lame [H.S. – 2019]

Ans. C) overshot.

84. The expression ‘short in the muzzle’ means –

A) blunt-faced B) having a sharp nose C) foolish D) having a blunt nose

Ans. A) blunt faced

85. Whose lower jaw is shorter according to Lomov? –

A) Lomov’s B) Squeezer’s C) Guess’s B) Chubukov’s

Ans. B) Squeezer’s

86. Lomov bought Guess from –

A) the Count B) Mironov C) Volchanetsky D)Ivan

Ans. B) Mironov

87. Lomov gave …………… to Minorov for his dog. –

A) 120 roubles B) 125 roubles C) 25 roubles D) 85 roubles [H.S. – 2018]

Ans. B) 125 roubles.

88. Chubukov bought Squeezer for –

A) 185 roubles B) 65 roubles  C) 25 roubles  D) 85 roubles

Ans. D) 85 roubles

89. According to Lomov, Squeezer can be bought for a maximum amount of –

A) 35 roubles B) 25 roubles C) 30 roubles D) 50 roubles

Ans. B) 25 roubles

90. The expression ‘ran neck-and-neck means –

A) ran with great speed B) level with somebody in a race C) ran very slowly D) shook neck while running

Ans. B) level with somebody in a race

91. Who advised Lomov to catch black beetles? –

A) Chubukov B) Lomov’s aunt C) Natalya D) Lomov’s grandfather

Ans. C) Natalya

92. Natalya suggested that Lomov should not go after foxes but –

A) catch black beetles B) go after horses C) shoot partridges D) go to the doctor [H.S. – 2019]

Ans. A) catch black beetles

93. Natalya asks Lomov to catch –

A) dogs B) foxes C) cockroaches D) birds

Ans. C) cockroaches

94. Chubukov ordered Lomov to shut up or he would shoot him like a –

A) Patridge B)fox C)dog  D) wolf [H.S. – 2017]

Ans. A) Patridge.

95.. The expression ‘demon of contradiction’ means –

A) a mood of argument B) attacking like a demon C) the devil of fight D) contradicting like a devil

Ans. D) contradicting like a devil

96. ‘I see stars … mist … and asked, “where am I”? who said this –

A) Lomov B) Natalya C) Chubukov D) Nastasya

Ans. A) Lomov

97. Lomov, Chubukov and Natalya approach marriage

A) with a sense of practicality B) with a sense of romanticism C) with a sense of idealism D) with a sense of cynicism

Ans. A) with a sense of practicality

98. Lomov wanted to talk to Natalya –

A) in order to settle a land dispute over Oxen Meadows B) in order to discuss inheritance C) in order to seek her consent for marriage D) in order to discuss the mowers

Ans. C) in order to seek her consent for

99. In the heated argument over ownership all three characters behave –

A) with grace and decorum B) without maturity C)with reason and civility D) without malice and spite

Ans. B) without maturity

100. Natalya learns about the proposal –

A) at the beginning of the argument soon after Lomov meets her B) in the course of the argument when Chubukov tells her C) when Lomov storms out of the house D) when Chubukov exclaims in anger, Lomov dared to make a proposal

Ans. B) in the course of the argument when Chubukov tells her

101. When Lomov comes back after walking out of the house –

A) Natalya and Lomov straightway talk about the proposal B) Natalya tries to make up C) Lomov continues to be stubborn D) Natalya and Lomov recognize that this marriage will not work.

Ans. B) Natalya tries to make up

102. Chubukov asks the couple to get married because –

A) he knows Lomov will not be able to propose B) he knows Natalya will not be gracious anymore C) he fears Natalya and Lomov will get into an argument before long D) he has arranged the proposal

Ans. C) he fears Natalya and Lomov will get into an argument before long

103. Lomov does not directly ask Natalya to marry him because –

A) he has palpitations B) he is not sure about her reaction C) he is trying to be calm D) he knows Chubukov has already told Natalya

Ans. B) he is not sure about her reaction

104. The arguments are funny because –

A) Lomov and Natalya quickly lose sight of the marriage proposal B) the story of Oxen Meadows is absurd C) the hunting dogs are ridiculous D) they seem funny while they argue

Ans. D) they seem funny while they argue

105. The proposal is acceptable to all parties because –

A) Chubukov really likes Lomov B) Lomov loves Natalya C) Natalya loves Lomov D) It’s a good working arrangement

Ans. D) It’s a good working arrangement

106. Chubukov declares that Lomov is dead –

A) as he does not breathe B) as he does not speak C) as he does not move D) as he does not drink

Ans. D) as he does not drink

107. Natalya wants to bring Lomov back because –

A) she wants to take revenge B) she has made out her faults C) she wants to present Oxen Meadows to Lomov D) She wants Lomov as her suitor

Ans. D) She wants Lomov as her suitor

108. Who puts Lomov’s hand into Natalya’s hand? –

A) Natalya herself B) Chubukov C) Lomov himself D) God of marriage

Ans. B) Chubukov

109. How is the engagement of Lomov and Natalya made complete? –

A) by mutual argument B) by making friendship C) by kissing each other D) by arguments

Ans. C) by kissing each other

110. Why does Chubukov call for champagne at the end?

A) to celebrate the occasion even if they are arguing B) because he normally drinks at this time of the day C) it is customary to offer champagne to guests D) he has the best champagne

Ans. A) to celebrate the occasion even if they are arguing

Read more about:

∎ ‘The Proposal’ – M.C.Q. From H.S. Question, Class 12, WBCHSE

∎ ‘The Proposal’ by Anton Chekhov – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.), Class 12, WBCHSE

∎ ‘The Proposal’ by Anton Chekhov – Questions and Answers(L.A.Q.), Class 12, WBCHSE

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