Important Phrasal Verb or Group Verb for Madhyamik, WBBSE

1)Bear with – tolerate

Ex – i)No one can tolerate such misbehaviour.[Madhyamik – 2010]

       ii)How could you tolerate such rude words? [Madhyamik – 2014]

2)Break into – enter forcibly

Ex – i)The burglars forcibly entered the house. [Madhyamik – 2013]

3)Break out – erupt/appear

Ex – i)A fire erupted in the market last night. [Madhyamik – 2010]

4)Break up – close

Ex – I)Our school closes at 4.30 PM. [Madhyamik – 2015]

4)Bring up – rear

Ex – i)The child was reared by his aunt. [Madhyamik – 2007]

5)Bring out – publish

Ex –  i)The board has published two workbooks in English. [Madhyamik – 2010]

        ii)The school magazine will be published soon. [Madhyamik – 2015]

6)Call off – withdraw

Ex – i)The strike was withdrawn at last. [Madhyamik – 2016]

        ii) The strike was withdrawn. [Madhyamik – 2011]

7)Call on – see/visit a person

Ex – i)I shall see you at your school.  [Madhyamik – 2002]

8)Call up – remember

Ex – i)The poet remembers the past. [Madhyamik – 2009]

9)Carry out –  obey / Execute

Ex – i)You must obey my order. [Madhyamik – 1998]

10)come across – find/meet

Ex –  i)By chance she found some old photographs in the drawer. [Madhyamik – 2008]

        ii)I met my friend at the park. [Madhyamik – 2016]

11)Come round – cure/recover

Ex – i)He will be cured soon. [Madhyamik – 1998]

        ii)The patient has recovered after a prolonged illness. [Madhyamik – 2006]

       iii)The patient will recover soon. [Madhyamik – 2013]

       iv)The patient will recover within a week. [Madhyamik – 2017]

12)Do away with – abolish

Ex – The death penalty has been abolished in many European countries. [Madhyamik – 2006] 

13)Fall out – quarrel

Ex – i)Two friends quarrelled for nothing. [Madhyamik – 2013 &2011]

14)Fall through – fail

Ex – i)His plan failed for want of funds. [Madhyamik – 2007] 

15)Get over – overcome

Ex – i)You will soon overcome your problems. [Madhyamik – 2012] 

16)Give away – distribute

Ex – i)The Mayor distributed the prizes at the school sports. [Madhyamik – 2009]

17)Give in – surrender

Ex – i)The army finally surrendered. [Madhyamik – 2012] 

ii)The soldiers surrendered at last. [Madhyamik – 2011] 

18)Give up – abandon / sacrifice / change

Ex – i)One cannot change an old habit easily. [Madhyamik – 2013]

ii)The man abandoned the evil company. [Madhyamik – 2018]

iii)Khudiram Sacrificed his life for his motherland. [Madhyamik – 2019]

19)Keep on – continue

Ex – i)The students continued talking when there was no teacher in the class. [Madhyamik – 1998]

ii)The girl continued practising the song. [Madhyamik – 2014]

20)Look for – search/trying to find

Ex – i)He is in search of a job. [Madhyamik – 2002]

ii)I am trying to find a job. [Madhyamik – 2019] 

21)Look into – Examine/investigate

i)The teacher is examining the answer script.  [Madhyamik – 2001] 

ii)Police are investigating the case. [Madhyamik – 2019]

22)Make out – understand

Ex – i) I cannot understand what is written here. [Madhyamik – 1998] 

ii)I cannot understand what he said. [Madhyamik – 2007 & 2016] 

iii) I cannot understand what you are saying. [Madhyamik – 2018] 

23)Pass away – die

Ex – i)The old man died last night. [Madhyamik – 2001]

ii)The great leader died last week. [Madhyamik – 2014] 

24)Put off – reject/postpone

Ex –i)He has to postpone his journey. [Madhyamik – 1998]

ii)Please do not reject my proposal. [Madhyamik – 2017] 

25)Put on – wear

Ex – i)He wore a white shirt. [Madhyamik – 2017] 

26)Put up with  – tolerate

Ex – i)I cannot tolerate this insult. [Madhyamik – 1998] 

ii)No one can tolerate such bad manners. [Madhyamik – 2012]

27)Run after – chase

Ex – i)The villagers were chasing the herd of elephants. [Madhyamik – 2006] 

ii)The dog was chasing a rabbit. [Madhyamik – 2008]

iii)The police chased the robbers. [Madhyamik – 2013] 

28)Set in – come/start

Ex – i)We were late at school as the rain came. [Madhyamik – 2001] 

ii)The evening starts early in winter. [Madhyamik – 2009] 

iii)Evening starts early in winter. [Madhyamik – 2015] 

29)Set out – start the journey

Ex – i)They started their journey early in the morning. [Madhyamik – 2018] 

30)Set up – establish

Ex – i)The company has established several new branches. [Madhyamik – 2008] 

ii)Mr. Mukherjee has started a new business. [Madhyamik – 2002] 

31) Take after – resemble

Ex – i)The girl resembles her mother. [Madhyamik – 2006 & 2015]

ii)The son resembles his father in many ways. [Madhyamik – 2010] 

iii)The son resembles his father. [Madhyamik – 2011] 

iv)The boy resembles his father. [Madhyamik – 2014] 

32)Take off – remove

Ex – i)He removed his hat before he entered the hall. [Madhyamik – 2008] 

33)Tell upon – cause harm

Ex – i) Over-exercise causes harm to his health. [Madhyamik – 2002] 

34)Turn down – reject

Ex – i)I do not know why the principal rejected our proposal. [Madhyamik – 2007] 

ii)The man rejected our proposal. [Madhyamik – 2012] 

35)Turn up – appear/arrive

Ex – i)Some guests are yet to arrive. [Madhyamik – 2009] 

ii) She failed to appear in time. [Madhyamik – 2016] 

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