1)What is the colour of the sea in the poem “Meeting at Night”?[Annual Exam 11. – 2015, 2018]
Ans. The sea is grey in the poem “Meeting at Night”.
2)What does the phrase ‘grey sea’ suggest in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’?
Ans. In the poem meeting at Night, ‘the grey sea’ suggests that it is the time of evening.
3)How was the land that the lover saw from the sea in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’? Or How does the poet describe the land?
Ans. The land was long and black in the poem Meeting at Night.
4)How does the poet describe the sea and land in “Meeting at Night”? [Annual Exam 11. – 2022]
Ans. The poet describes the sea as grey and the land as long and black.
4)What did the lover see in the sky?
Ans. The lover saw a yellow half-moon in the sky.
5)How does Browning describe the half-moon?[Annual Exam 11. – 2015, 2018, 2020]
Ans. Browning describes the half-moon as yellow, large and low.
6)How were the little waves described in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’?
Ans. The little waves were described as startled in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’.
7)How does the poet personify the waves?
Ans. The poet personifies the waves by describing them as startled.
8)How do the little waves leap from their sleep?
Ans. The little waves leap in fiery ringlets from their sleep.
9)What do the ‘fiery ringlets’ suggest? [Annual Exam 11. – 2019] Or. “In fiery ringlets from their sleep” – Why are the ringlets described as ‘fiery’?[Annual Exam 11. = 2022]
Ans The fiery ringlets suggests the speaker’s burning passion.
10) “As I gain the cove with pushing prow” – What do you mean by the word ‘cove’?
Ans. The word ‘cove’ means creek or inlet of the sea.
11) “As I gain the cove with pushing prow” – What do you mean by the word ‘prow’?
Ans. The word ‘prow’ means the pointed front part of a boat.
12)How did the speaker gain the cove?
Ans. The speaker gained the cove by pushing the prow.
13)What does the phrase ‘quench its speed’ means?
Ans. The phrase ‘quench its speed’ means to slow down the speed of the boat.
14) “And quench its speed i’ the slushy sand”. – What do you mean by the phrase ‘slushy sand’?
Ans. The Phrase ‘slushy sand’ means soft sand with full of mud.
15)How is the beach described in the poem ‘Meeting At Night’?
Ans. The beach is warm and sea-scented.
16)How many fields will the speaker have to cross before a farm appears?[Annual Exam 11. – 2014, 2019]
Ans. The speaker will have to cross three fields before a farm appears.
17)Where does the boat slow down?[Annual Exam 11. – 2016]
Ans. The boat slows down in the slushy sand of the cove.
18)How long is the sea-scented beach?[Annual Exam 11. – 2014, 2020]
Ans. The sea scented beach is one mile long.
19)What does the speaker do immediately after he reaches the farmhouse in the poem ‘Meeting At Night’? [Annual Exam 11.– 2016]
Ans. The speaker taps the window pane immediately after he reaches the farmhouse.
20) Where does the speaker tap in the poem “Meeting at Night”? [Annual Exam 11.– 2022]
Ans. The speaker taps the window pane in the poem “Meeting at Night”.
21)What is the destination of the lover in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’? Or Where does his lady love live?
Ans. The destination of the lover in the poem, ‘Meeting at Night’ is a farmhouse.
22)Whose voice responds to the tap at the pane?[Annual Exam 11. – 2019]
Ans. The voice of the lady love responds to the tape of the pane.
23) “And the voice less loud.” – Why is the voice of lady love less loud?
Ans. The voice of lady love is less loud because they are meeting secretly and do not want to be caught.
Read more about: ‘Meeting at Night’ by Robert Browning, questions and answer(L.A.Q.), Class – 11, WBCHSE
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