Leela’s Friend
1) “Don’t send him away. Let us keep him in our house.” – Who was the speaker and to whom was it spoken? About whom was it said? How did the person or persons spoken to react? [1+1+1+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2015]
2) “Sidda, come and play!” – Who is the speaker? What would Sidda do when he heard this call? What kind of games did the speaker play? [1++1+3 =5] [Annual Exam. = 2019]
3) How did Leela try to make Sidda write? What was the result? [3+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2014, 2020]
4) “He looked her mutely, like an animal.” – Who looked at and to whom? What was the situation when this occurred? [2+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2016]
5) “In any case, we couldn’t have kept a criminal like him in the house.” – Who is the speaker? Who is the criminal referred to here? What led the speaker to such a comment? [1+1+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. =2018]
6)What did Leela’s mother do when she found the gold chain in the tamarind pot? How did Leela’s father react? [1+4 = 5]
7) What message is conveyed by Mr Sivasanker’s final words in the story – “In any case, we couldn’t have kept a criminal like him in the house.” [5]
1)’You are a bit of all right, old chap’ – Who is the speaker? Who has been referred to as ‘old chap’? What picture of the person’s character here spoken to is revealed in this line? [1+1+3 = 5] [Annual Exam 11 – 2017]
2) Sketch the character of Sir Mohan Lal. [5] [Annual Exam 11 – 2017]
3) ‘He was dismayed’ – Who was he? When was he dismayed and why? What did he do then? [1+2+2 = 5] [Annual Exam 11 – 2020]
4) How did Sir Mohan Lal feel when he saw two Englishmen coming towards his coupe? [5] [Annual Exam 11 – 2014]
5) ‘Preposterous, preposterous! he shouted’ – Who shouted and why? What was the result? [1+1+1 = 5] [Annual Exam 11 – 2019]
6) Bring out the significance of the title ‘Karma’. [5] [Annual Exam 11 -2016]
Jimmy Valentine
1)What did Jimmy write to his old friend? Why did he write so? [3+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. 11 – 2015, 2018]
2)What did Jimmy Valentine do from the time he got out of jail till met Mike Dolan? [5] [Annual Exam. 11 – 2017]
3)What new name did Jimmy Valentine assume at Elmore? What business did Jimmy open there? How did Jimmy fare at Elmore? [1+1+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. 11 – 2016]
4) “He opened this and gazed fondly.” – What was opened? What did the person gaze fondly at? Why did he gaze at it fondly? [1+2+2 =5]
5) “Ben Price investigated the scene of the robberies and was heard to remark.” – Who was Ben Price? What did he say? What did he know of Jimmy’s habits? [1+1+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. 11– 2020]
6) “Mr Ralph D. Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes.” – Who is Ralph D. Spencer? What is Phoenix? Why has the comparison been made? [1+2+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. 11 – 2019]
Noble Lecture
1)Narrate in your own words the experience of Mother Teresa in an old age home. [5] [ Annual Exam. = 2014]
2) ‘And she died with a smile on her face.’ – How did she die with a smile on her face? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2019]
3)Narrate the experience Mother Teresa had when there was great difficulty in getting sugar. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2017]
4) ‘I had the most extraordinary experience with the Hindu family that had eight children.’ – Which experience is Mother Teresa speaking of? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2015]
5) In what ways does Mother Teresa appeal to the emotions of her audience? What stories does she share of her encounters with the poor in Kolkata? [1+4 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2016]
6) Why did Mother Teresa say that poor people are great people? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2020]
7) Why does Mother Teresa think ‘abortion’ to the greatest destroyer of peace? How does Mother appeal to fight abortion?
The Place of Art in Education
1)According to Nandalal Bose how does the absence of a sense of beauty affect the society? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2017] OR.
According to Nandalal Bose, how are beauty and aesthetics connected to a person’s physical and mental well-being? Explain with the example from the text. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2018]
2)What example did Nandalal Bose give to support his view that ‘the vitality of work of art lies in its sense of beauty and order. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2019]
3)How does a poor Santhal express his sense of beauty and order? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2015]
4)What is the difference between fine art and functional art? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2014]
5)According to Nandalal Bose how can the aesthetic sensibilities of the students be increased? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2016]
6)Why is ‘encounter with Nature’ is important for the learners? How can they be introduced to Nature? [2+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2020]
Upon Westminster Bridge
1) ‘Earth has not anything to show more fair.’ – What prompts the poet to say so? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2017]
Or. ‘Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!’ – What prompts the poet to say so? [Annual Exam. = 2016]
2) ‘A sight so touching in its majesty.’ – What is the sight referred to here? What does the poet feel about the sight? Who would be dull of soul and why? [1+1+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2019]
3) ‘Dull would he be of soul….’ – Who says this and where? Who prompts the poet to say this? What does the poet want to convey here? [2+1+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2020]
4) How does the poet look upon the sun in ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’? What is so deep and why? [2+1+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2018]
5) ‘A sight so touching in its majesty.’ – What is the sight referred to here? How does the poet describe the sight? [1+4 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2015]
6)Describe after Wordsworth, the city of London as given in the poem, ‘Upon Westminster Bright’.? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2014]
Meeting at Night
1)Justify the title of the poem ‘Meeting at Night’.[5] [Annual Exam. Class 11 – 2015, 2018]
2) “And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears,
“Than the two hearts beating each to each!” – Whose voice is referred to here? Why is the voice full of joy and fear? Describe the meeting.[1+2+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. Class 11 – 2019, 2020]
3)Give an account of the lover’s journey to his beloved in ‘Meeting at Night’.[5] [Annual Exam. Class 11 – 2017]
4)What does the speaker observe in the course of his journey to the farmhouse in the poem, Meeting at Night’? What does he do as reaches the farmhouse? [3+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. Class 11 – 2014]
5)Evaluate ‘Meeting at Night’ as a love poem.[5] [Annual Exam. Class 11 – 2016]
The Sick Rose
1)What role does the worm play in the poem ‘The Sick Rose’? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2020]
2) “Has found out thy bed/ Of crimson joy.” – Whom does the word refer to? What did he find and when? What does the ‘expression crimson’ joy suggest? [1+2+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2019]
3) Bring out the central idea of the poem, ‘The Sick Rose’. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2015, 2018]
4)Justify the title of the poem ‘The Sick Rose’. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2014]
5) What is the allegorical significance of the poem, ‘The Sick Rose’.? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2017]
6) Comment on the implications of the worm’s love destroying the rose’s life. [5] [Annual Exam. =2016]
1)What does the poet mean by ‘I am a man: little do I last’? What does he try to convey through the expression ‘the night is enormous’? [2+3 = 5] [H.S. =2020]
2)In the poem ‘Brotherhood’ what does the poet say about his position on earth? What does the poet mean by ‘I too written’? How does he understand this? [2+2+1 = 5] [H.S. =2019]
3)Give the significance of the line ‘Unknowing I understand’ in Brotherhood. [5] [H.S. = 2015, 2018]
4)Bring out the central idea of the poem ‘Brotherhood’. [5] [H.S. =2017] Or. What is the central idea of the poem ‘Brotherhood’? [5] [H.S. = 2014]
5)Bring out the significance of the title of ‘Brotherhood’. [5] [H.S. = 2016]
1)Narrate the wind’s activities as presented in the poem ‘Daybreak’. [Annual Exam 11 – 2015, 2018] [5]
Give the substance of the poem ‘Daybreak’.[5]
2)Justify the title of the poem ‘Daybreak’. [Annual Exam 11 – 2017, 2019] [5]
3)Who takes the responsibility of announcing the breaking of the day? How is the feat achieved? [Annual Exam 11 – 2016] [1+4=5]
4)What role does the wind play in announcing the beginning of the day? How is the final couplet different from the rest of the poem? [Annual Exam 11 – 2014] [3+2 = 5]
Rapid Reader (Shakespearean Play)
1.Comedy of Errors
1)What was the law that prevailed in Ephesus? What did the Duke say to Aegeon when he became a victim of law? [2+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. – 2014]
2)Who was Aegeon? How did he arrive at Ephesus? What happened when he was brought before the Duke? [1+2+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. – 2015]
Who was Aegeon? How did he arrive at Ephesus? What made the Duke pity on Aegeon? [1+1+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. – 2019]
3)What made Aegeon land at Ephesus? What danger did he face there? [3+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. – 2016]
4)Why was the Elder Antipholus denied entry in his own house? [5] [Annual Exam. – 2015]
5) How did Aegeon find out all his family members? [5] [Annual Exam. – 2018]
2.As You Like It
1)How was the banished Duke’s life in the Forest of Arden? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2015]
2)Who were the two participants in the wrestling match? Whom did Celia and Rosalind try to dissuade? What was the result? [2+1+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2014]
3)How did Rosalind win Orlando’s heart? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2017]
4)Why was Oliver proved an unworthy brother? Why did Oliver wish to destroy Orlando? [3+2 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2020]
5)How did Adam prove his loyalty towards his master? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2016]
3.Twelfth Night
1)What information given by the captain consoled Viola? What plan did Viola think of to reach the Duke? How did the captain help her in this? [1+1+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. =2017]
2)Who was Olivia? What saddened her? Why did she not allow any visitors? [1+1+3 =5] [Annual Exam. =2015, 2018]
3)Why did Duke Orsino send Viola to Orsino? What was Olivia’s reply? [2+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2014]
4)Discuss the first meeting of Olivia and Cesario. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2019]
5)Who rescued Viola from the danger of fighting a duel? Why did he do so? [1+4 = 5] [Annual Exam. =2020]
6)How was the confusion of mistaken identity overcome in ‘Twelfth Night’. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2016]
1)What led Desdemona to marry Othell? [Annual Exam. = 2015,2018]
2)How did Othello overcome the fury of Brabantio after marry Desdemona? [Annual Exam. = 2016]
3)Discuss how Othello’s love for Desdemona changed into mistrust in the story. [Annual Exam. = 2019]
4)What role did the handkerchief play in bringing about Desdemona’s ruins? [Annual Exam. = 2020]
5)Why did Othello decide to kill Desdemona and himself? [Annual Exam. = 2017, 2014]
6)Sketch how Iago has been characterised in Othello. [Annual Exam. = 2019]
1)Why did Macbeth want to murder Banquo and his son? How was Banquo murdered? [2+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2019, 2020]
2)Why did Lady Macbeth plot to kill the king? What did Macbeth say to oppose her? [2+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2017]
3)Bring out the significance of the opening scene of Macbeth. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2017, 2018]
4)Give a brief account of the ‘Banquet Scene’ in ‘Macbeth’. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2016]
5)What was the mystery behind the moving of Birnam woods? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2015]
7)What did each of the three witches predict to Macbeth when he first met them? What did they say to Banquo? [2+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2014]
Paragraph Writing
1. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on a festival you enjoy. [10]
[Hints: Name of the festival – season – time of the year – how it is celebrated – your feelings]
2. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on ‘A Film You Have Recently Seen’. [10]
[Hints: Name of the film – its director and cast its subject/story – its effect on your mind – your comment]
3. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on ‘The Internet: Its use and abuse’. [10]
[Hints: Information and entertainment – results – e-mail – buying and selling – easy access to information – obscenity – cyber crimes]
4. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on ‘Friendship’. [10]
[Hints: A bond among persons – need of friendship – choice of friends – things that help friendship exist.]
5. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on ‘The Achievements of Indian Women in Sports’. [10]
[Hints: Introduction – Various sports and famous Indian sportswomen – (P. T. Usha, Mary Kom, Sania Mirza, Saina Nehwal etc.) – Recent performance of the Women’s Cricket Team in the World Cup – Sports as a career for women – Women empowerment – Pride of India – Conclusion]
6. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on tolerance. [10]
[Hints Introduction– based on “Live and Let Live” — tolerance essential in a family life, social life and national life tolerance ensures peace and prosperity — result of intolerance — begets hostility and communal riots — conclusion]
7. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on “Role of Smart Phones in the lives of Indian Youth”.
[Hints: Introduction – What is a smartphone – place in daily life – features – advantages and disadvantages – conclusion]
Story Writing
Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 to 200 words. Give your story a suitable title. [2+8=10]
1. A little girl got many gifts on her birthday – uncle gave money to buy toys – next day, the girl went to the market – saw a little boy begging with his mother both pale and hungry – the girl felt sad – bought food for the boy and his mother – spent all money for them – on return, uncle asked about the toy – ‘Bought joy instead of toy,’ the girl replied.
2. A rich old lady becomes blind – calls doctor – doctor asks for huge fee – lady agrees to pay if cured – nothing if not cured – doctor comes daily – admires lady’s furniture – removes a piece everyday – finally lady cured – refuses to pay doctor – doctor goes to court – lady claims she is not fully cured cannot see furniture in her house – judge understands – gives verdict in her favour.
3. The wheels of a cart sank into the mud – the carter whipped the bullocks in vain – prayed to God of Strength for help – the God appeared – asked him to put his shoulder to the wheel – the cart moved.
4. Three artists compete for a prize – the first paints a bunch of flowers – bees are drawn to it – the second paints fruits and an ox tries to eat them – the third a curtain and the judge goes to lift it – the third wins the contest.
5. Three thieves steal a purse of gold – agree to divide the gold among themselves – one of them goes to buy food – puts poison in the food – meanwhile, the other two decide to kill him – he is killed on his return – the poisoned food eaten by the other two.
6. A little boy – birthday – received money from father as gift – went to buy toys – saw a beggar – pale and hungry – boy’s heart softened – gave all money to him – found new joy.
7. Hamelin — a town in Germany troubled by many rats— people demanded actions — Mayor announced a reward for killing the rats — A piper came — played his magical pipe —- rats followed him —Mayor refused reward — played pipe again — all children followed him — never returned.
Newspaper Advertisement
1. You have a flat in Kolkata which you want to sell. Draft an advertisement in a newspaper in not more than 50 words announcing the same with details of the flat. [5]
2. Draft a newspaper advertisement in not more than 50 words announcing the loss of your Class X certificate and Mark Sheet. [5]
3. You have an old car which you want to sell. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more than 50 words announcing the same with necessary details of the car. [5]
4. You want to provide accommodation to paying guests in your house. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more than 50 words giving details of the accommodation. [5]
5. You want to buy a house in Santiniketan. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of the English daily in not more than 50 words announcing the same with necessary details. [5]
6. An insurance company requires some agents. Insert an advertisement in the newspaper mentioning the required qualification in not more than 50 words. [5]
7. You want to conduct cookery classes. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more than 50 words announcing the same with necessary details.[5]
8. A reputed language training centre begins its 6 months Spanish course. Insert an advertisement in the newspaper mentioning the necessary details in not more than 50 words. [5]
9. You want to provide accommodation to paying guests in your house. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more than 50 words giving details of the accommodation. [5]
10. A reputed theatre group wants to conduct a short-term theatre workshop for beginners. Insert an advertisement in the newspaper mentioning the required information in not more than 50 words. [5]
11. Draft an advertisement for the classified of an English daily in not more than 50 words for an essay competition on the 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago speech, organized by a social activist club in your locality. [5]
12. You want to provide accommodation to Student paying Guests in your house. Draft an advertisement for the classified of an English daily in not more than 50 words giving details of the accommodation. [5]
13. Draft a newspaper advertisement in not more than 50 words announcing the loss of your Madhyamik Mark Sheet and Admit Card. [5]
14. Draft an advertisement for the classified of an English daily in not more than 50 words wanting to sell a space you have in a shopping complex. [5]
Commercial Leaflet
1. A bookseller of repute is going to open a bookshop in your area. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words announcing the same. [5]
2. Prepare in 50 words a commercial leaflet for the upcoming tour programmes of a Travel Agency.[5]
3. Prepare in 50 words a commercial leaflet for a health and fitness institute. Mention the different discounts and bonuses available for the quarterly, half-yearly and annual membership. [5]
4. Design a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a shop advertising discount sales of electrical and electronic products. [5]
5. A reality show will be launched in your city. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for the event mentioning the names of singers, dates, time, venue and rates of tickets. [5]
6. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words announcing the launch of a new food catering service. [5]
7. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a car showroom opening shortly in your area. [5]
8. The reduction sale of Bata is going to begin in a fair-cum-exhibition taking place at Park Circus Maidan, Kolkata. Write a leaflet for the customers. [5]
9. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a unisex multi-gym and yoga institute opening in your area. Mention the different offers available for half-yearly and annual membership schemes. [5]
10. Design a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a newly opened multi-cuisine restaurant in the Park Circus area.
11. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a Mobile Phone Shop opening shortly in your area. [5]
12. Design a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for an upcoming tour programme of a Travel Agency. [5]
13. A cricket coaching centre is opening shortly in your locality. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words providing the necessary information. [5]
14. A branded shoe franchise is offering a 40% flat discount on all items till stocks last. Design a commercial leaflet for this. [5]
Read more about: H.S. English Suggestions – 2023, WBCHSE