‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(L.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE

1)What were the questions that the Tsar wanted to be answered? Why did he need the answer? Why was he dissatisfied with the answers given by the scholars and learned men? [3+1+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2020]

Ans. The Tsar wanted to be answered three questions. They are – 1)What is the right time to begin anything? 2)Who are the right people to listen to and whom to avoid? 3)What is the most important thing to do?

If he knew the answers to these questions, he would never fail in any task that he would undertake.

He was dissatisfied with the answers given by the scholars and learned men because their answers were mismatched to one another and the Tsar agreed with none of them.

2)What were the questions that had occurred to the Tsar? Why did he need correct answers to those questions? What did he do when he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men? [3+1+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2016]

Ans. See the answer to question No. 1 [for the first two questions]

The Tsar decided to consult a hermit when he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men.

3) “All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed none of them.” – What were the questions to which the Tsar got different answers? Whom did the Tsar decide to consult when he was not satisfied? Where did the person live whom the Tsar decided to consult? What was he famous for? [3+1+1+1 = 6] [H.S. = 2018 & 2022 ]

Ans. The questions to which the Tsar got different answers were – 1)What was the right time to begin anything? 2)Who were the right people to listen to and whom to avoid? 3)What was the most important thing to do?

When the Tsar was not satisfied with the answers to these questions, he decided to consult a hermit.

The hermit lived in a wood.

He was famous for his wisdom.

4)How was the wounded man revived and nursed? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar? What did the Tsar do when he had gained the man for a friend? [2+2+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2019 & 2022 ]

Ans. A bearded man came running out of the wood and fainted before the Tsar and the hermit. He had a large wound in his stomach and blood was flowing profusely. They unfastened his clothes. The Tsar washed and bandaged the wound again and again until the blood ceased flowing. In this way, the wounded man was nursed and finally revived.

The bodyguard of the Tsar recognized the man as the Tsar’s enemy and wounded him severely. It was the Tsar who took utmost care of him to revive his life. He realized that he would have died if he was not looked after by the Tsar. This act of kindness changed the heart of the bearded man. He repented for his actions and asked for forgiveness.

The Tsar was very pleased to gain the man as a friend. He offered to send his servants and his own physician to attend to him. He also promised to give back his seized property.

5)How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man? [6] [H.S. = 2015]

Ans. A wounded man came running out of the wood and fainted before the Tsar. When the Tsar unfastened the man’s clothing with the help of the hermit, he noticed a large wound in his stomach. Blood was flowing abundantly. He washed and bandaged the wound with his handkerchief and with the hermit’s towel. Whenever the bandage was soaked with warm blood, he was removing it. Finally, the blood ceased flowing and the man revived. When the man asked for something to drink, he brought fresh water and drank him. The Tsar with the help of the hermit carried him into the hut and lay on the bed. In this way, the Tsar nursed the wounded man.

6)Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise him? [1+2+3 = 6] [H.S. = 2017]

Ans. The bearded man became an enemy of the Tsar because the Tsar executed his brother and seized his property.

The man swore to take revenge on the Tsar for his brother’s execution and for seizing his property. He also resolved to kill the Tsar on his return from the hermit.

When the man was severely wounded by the bodyguard, it was the Tsar who nursed him carefully and revived his life. He realized that he would have died if he was not looked after by the Tsar. This act of the Tsar changed the wounded man’s mind and he asked for forgiveness.

        The man promised to serve the Tsar as the most faithful slave and he would also employ his sons to do the same.

Read more about: ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE

1 thought on “‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy – Questions and Answers(L.A.Q.), class 12, WBCHSE”

  1. Firdous Alam Khan

    Wonderful sir
    If you please give us sir.
    More important answers
    For 2022 as suggestions

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