Letter to your friend narrating your experience of visiting a Wild Life Sanctuary.

Write a letter to your friend within 100 words narrating your experience of visiting a Wild Life Sanctuary.                                                                             


My dear Akash, Address & Date

Hope, you are all well. For a long time, there is no communication between us. In this letter, I will share my experience in visiting Nandankanan. It is situated near Bhubaneswar, Odisha. After entering the gate, we found a different world. The area is so vast that it cannot be roamed in a single day. The maps were placed in many areas to help the visitors to locate the houses of animals. We walked into the houses of birds, snakes, crocodiles, tigers, white tigers, leopards, dear and whatnot. Later, inside the sanctuary, we took part in the forest safari and visited the real wildlife of lions, tigers and bears. There were thousands of deer grazing in an open space. I captured lots of wonderful pictures that I would show you at the meeting.

No more today. Convey my pranam to your parents. More when we meet.

                                                                                                Your loving friend,

Name & Address

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