Rule: 1 [Using ‘Not’ + opposite word]
1)Always ——> Never (+ opposite of verb)
2)Sometimes —> Not always
3)Many ——> Not a few
4)A few ——> Not many
5)A little ——> Not much
6)Much ——> Not a little
7)Love —–> Not without love
1)I shall always refuse it.
Ans. I shall never accept it. ( Refuse –> accept)
2)Man is mortal.
Ans. Man is not immortal. OR. No man is immortal. (Mortal—> Immortal)
3)Dipa sometimes comes to my house.
Ans. Dipa does not always come to my house.
4)Ratan has many cars.
Ans. Ratan does not have a few cars.
5)Rabi has much wealth.
Ans. Rabi does not have a little wealth
6)Brutus loved Caesar.
Ans. Brutus was not without love for Caesar.
1)I shall always love you.
2)Binay always attends the class.
3)She will never forget me.
4)I shall remember you.
5)The man is dishonest.
6)He was not present in the class.
7)We hate liars
8)Your friend is not honest
9)I did not fail to help him.
10)Everybody admits that he is a fool.
Rule: 2 [Must/Have to / has to —> Cannot but/Cannot help + verb+ing]
1)We must accept the proposal.
Ans. We cannot but accept the proposal.
Ans. We cannot help accepting the proposal.
1)We must obey our parents.
2)He has to attend the meeting. (Has to = Must)
3)Everyone has to accept the dictates of destiny.
4)You must be very quick about it because it will all evaporate and go back to the moon.
5)Disregarding the song of birds, the waving green trees, and the smell of the flowers, Jimmy headed straight for a restaurant.
6)I must see you.
7)If the objective of our education is total development, art training should have the same status and importance as reading and writing. [Should—à should not but]
8)I could not help but examine my conscience before her.
Rule: 3 [Only —-> None but (Person) /Nothing but (Thing) /Not more than OR not less than (Number)
1)Only a fool can act thus. (Person)
Ans. None but a fool can act thus.
2) The girl has only a doll. (Thing)
Ans. The girl has nothing but a doll.
3) I have only a ten-rupee note in my pocket. (Number)
Ans. I have not more than/not less than a ten-rupee note in my pocket.
1)Only a cruel can do that.
2)Only death can now cure that.
3)Only a Hercules can do this.
4) They were entitled to travel only second class.
5) I am only a native woman.
6)He’s got the only clamps that can do it.
7)The only redress for this lies in spreading art education amongst the so-called educated public.
8) The only companion that he enjoys is smoking.
9)The only part that he can move is his right hand.
10)You alone can do it.
Rule: 4 [As soon as —-> No sooner had/did ………… than.]
1)As soon as he saw me, he fled from the place.
Ans. No sooner had he seen me than he fled from the place.
1)As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.
2)As soon as the teacher entered the class, the students stood up.
3)As soon as he heard the news, he fainted.
Rule : 5 [Assertive sentence ——> Interrogative sentence]
1)He is a good student.
Ans. Is he not a good student?
1)How can I drink hot tea?
2)Why did you run away without telling us?
3)Common people have nothing to do with it.
Rule: 6 [Too…. to(Simple)—> So…. That+cannot/could not(complex)]
1)He is too weak to walk. (Simple Sentence)
Ans. He is so weak that he cannot walk. (Complex Sentence)
1)He was too proud to confess his guilt.
2)He is too young to travel alone.
3)The news is too good to be true.
4)His health is a little too weak.
5)The field is too wet to play cricket.
6)The sight is too dreadful to be seen.
Note: 7 [Superlative Degree —–> Positive Degree]
1)Mt. Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world. (Superlative)
Ans. No other mountain peak is as high as Mount Everest in the world. (Positive)
1)Mamata is the tallest girl in the class.
2)She is the prettiest.
3)Dhaka is the biggest city in Bangladesh.
Note: 8 [Positive Degree —-> Comparative Degree]
1)Suchismita is as tall as her sister.
Ans. Suchismita is not less taller than her sister.
1)I am as strong as you.
2)I am not so strong as you.
3)The air on hills is cooler than on plains.
4)The razor is not as sharp as that one
5)Simla is cooler than Darjeeling.
6)He sings better than the girl.
7)A direct encounter with an art object will do more to arouse their aesthetic vision that hearing a hundred lectures.
Note: 9 [And, Both, As well as —-> Not only…….. but also]
1)He was a poet and a dramatist.
Ans. He was not only a poet but also a dramatist.
1)He is lame as well as blind.
Note: 10 [Using double Negative(Basically : leave + no/left + no)]
1)He tried every plan.
Ans. He left no stone unturned
1)I turn every stone to get it
2)We have no reason not to be happy.
Read more about: (1) ‘Textual Grammar’ from the Previous year’s Annual Exams, class 11, WBCHSE
(2) ‘Textual Grammar’ from the Previous year’s H.S. Exams, class 12, WBCHSE