1)According to Nandalal Bose how does the absence of a sense of beauty affect the society? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2017] OR.
According to Nandalal Bose, how are beauty and aesthetics connected to a person’s physical and mental well-being? Explain with the example from the text? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2018]
Ans. According to Nandalal Bose, the absence of a sense of beauty cheats man of aesthetic experience. It harms man mental and physical well-being. People who lack the sense of beauty litter rubbish in their houses and courtyard. They keep themselves and their surroundings filthy, spit betel juice on their walls, street and even railway coaches. In this way, they contaminate society with diseases and with their despicable standards of behaviour as well.
2)What example did Nandalal Bose give to support his view that ‘the vitality of work of art lies in its sense of beauty and order. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2019]
Ans. According to Nandalal Bose, the vitality of a work of art lies in its sense of beauty and order, not in its monetary value. He compares a poor Santhal and an educated college student to support his views. A poor Santhal sweeps and mops his hut. He stacks his earthen pots and tattered quilts in order. But an educated college student keeps his clothes and things in a disorganised mess in his seemingly palatial hostel room or lodging. The writer has seen shirts hanging from pictures frames, teacups and combs littering on the study table. They even have no sense of dress code. To the rich man sons, the sense of beauty is superficial but to the poor Santhal, the sense of beauty is an essential part of his life and so, it is vital.
3)How does a poor Santhal express his sense of beauty and order. [5] [Annual Exam. = 2015]
Ans. There are some people who think that art is the domain for rich and pleasure-loving. That is why they want to banish art from their daily lives. But Nandalal Bose believes that the vitality of a work of art lies in its sense of beauty and order, not in its monetary value. To establish his view, the author shows the example of a poor Santhal whose sense of beauty and order drives him to sweep and mop his hut. He stacks his earthen pots and tattered quilts in order. On the other hand, an educated college student who keeps his clothes and things in a disorganised mess in his seemingly palatial hostel room or lodging. This comparison shows, the sense of beauty and order is an essential part for the poor Santhal and so, it is vital.
4)What is the difference between fine art and functional art? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2014]
Ans. There are two sides to art – fine art and functional art. Fine art liberates our minds from the constraints of sorrows and conflicts of our daily lives. It gives us aesthetic delight and makes our lives easy and tolerable. On the other hand, functional art brings beauty to the objects of our use. It provides us with means of livelihood. It is concerned with professional returns.
5)According to Nandalal Bose how can the aesthetic sensibilities of the students be increased? [5] [Annual Exam. = 2016]
Ans. Nandalal Bose has prescribed a number of remedies by which a student can increase his aesthetic sensibilities. Students should be introduced to good paintings, sculptures and other specimens of fine and functional arts by displaying them in the classroom, libraries, studies and living room of the students. They should watch films with selected examples of the art of our country and other countries from time to time. They should visit museums and pictures galleries accompanied by qualified teachers. Paintings, sculptures and distinguished examples of the art of the past will train their eyes and strengthen their power of discernment and gradually awaken their aesthetic sensibilities. Finally, they should live in close contact with Nature and get acquainted with the beautiful creation of Nature like the season’s fruits and flowers.
6)Why is ‘encounter with Nature’ is important for the learners? How can they be introduced to Nature? [2+3 = 5] [Annual Exam. = 2020]
Ans. ‘Encounter with Nature’ is important for the learners because it enhances aesthetic sensibilities. According to Nandalal Bose, the roots of art education lie in the observation of Nature and living in close contact with them.
Students can be introduced to Nature by holding seasonal festivals and displaying different objects of Nature like season’s fruits and flowers. They will see with their own eyes and enjoy the rice fields, lotus ponds, Palash, shimul etc. Special holidays should be declared and picnics and games should be held to get acquainted with Nature.
Read more about: ‘The Place of Art in Education’ by Nandalal Bose – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.), Class 11, WBCHSE
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