1)Who is the Writer of the story ‘His First Flight’?
Ans. ‘His First Flight’ is written by an Irish short story writer, Liam O’Flaherty.
2)What does the story tell about?
Ans. The story tells about how a young seagull makes his first flight getting over his fear and nervousness.
3)What is a ledge?
Ans. A ledge is a flat rock surface sticking out from a cliff.
4)Who was alone on the ledge?
Ans. A young seagull was alone on the ledge.
5)Why was the young seagull alone on the ledge?
Ans. The young seagull was alone on the ledge because his two brothers and his sister had flown away and their parents also accompanied them.
6)When did the young seagull become frightened to fly?
Ans. As the young seagull had taken a little run forward to the brink of the ledge and attempted to flap his wings he became frightened.
7)Why did the young seagull become afraid?
Ans. The young seagull became afraid because the great expansion of the sea stretched down beneath and its miles away from the ledge made the seagull afraid.
8)What was the young seagull certain about?
Ans. The young Seagull was certain that his wings would never support him.
9)Where did the young seagull sleep at night?
Ans. At night the young seagull slept in a little hole under the ledge.
10)Whose wings were far shorter than the young seagull?
Ans. His two brothers and his young sister’s wings were far shorter than the young seagull.
11)Why did his parents unbraid and threaten him?
Ans. His parents unbraided and threaten him because he was not showing any fearlessness to fly.
12)How long had nobody come near the young seagull?
Ans. Nobody had come near the young seagull for twenty-four hours.
13)What were the parents perfecting the young seagulls?
Ans. The parents were perfecting the young seagulls the art of flight.
14)What did the parents teach the young seagulls?
Ans. The parents taught the young seagulls how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish.
15)Why were the parents proud of his older brother?
Ans. The parents were proud of his older brother because his older brother caught his first prey, a herring and devour it.
16)How did his parents react when his older brother caught his first herring?
Ans. His parents circled around his older brother raising a loud cackle.
17)How did the whole family spend time all morning?
Ans. The whole family spent time all morning walking about on the big plateau and chaffing the young seagull on the ledge for his cowardice.
18)Why did the young seagull feel the heat of the sun?
Ans. The young seagull felt the heat of the sun because he was abstaining from eating since the previous night.
19)How did the young seagull pretend to be falling asleep?
Ans. He pretended to be falling asleep by standing on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing.
20)Why did the young seagull pretend to be falling asleep?
Ans. He pretended to be falling asleep to draw the attention of his parents.
21)What were the young seagull’s two brothers and sister doing on the plateau?
Ans. The young seagull’s two brothers and sister were dozing with their heads plunged into their necks on the plateau.
22)What was the young seagull’s father doing on the plateau?
Ans. The young seagull’s feather was preening the feathers on his white back.
23)Where was the young seagull’s mother then?
Ans. The young seagull’S mother was standing on a little high hump on the plateau.
24)What was the young seagull’s mother doing there?
Ans. The young seagull’s mother was tearing a piece of fish and throwing them on each side of her beak now and again.
25)What maddened the young seagull?
Ans. The sight of food maddened the young seagull.
26)To who did the young seagull beg for food and what was the reply?
Ans. The young seagull begged his mother for food.
The reply was ‘Gaw-col-ah’. It is a contemptuous reply for not showing the boldness to fly.
27)Why did the young seagull utter a joyful scream?
Ans. The young seagull uttered a joyful scream when he saw his mother pick up a piece of meat and was flying toward him.
28)Why was the young seagull surprised?
Ans. The young seagull was surprised because his mother was standing motionless in front of him with a piece of fish but she did not come close to him.
29)Why did the young seagull dive at the fish?
Ans. As his mother with a piece of fish was standing motionless in front of him, the young seagull found no other way but to pounce at the fish maddened by hunger.
30)What seized him after his dive?
Ans. A monstrous terror seized him after his dive.
31)How long did his fear and deafness last?
Ans. His fear and deafness lasted for just a minute.
32)What happened when the tips of his wings started cutting through the air?
Ans. He was not falling anymore and was gradually soaring upwards.
33)What was the reaction of his two brothers and sister after his first flight?
Ans. His two brothers and sister were extremely delighted to see his first flight. They celebrated by flying around him, curvetting, banking, soaring and diving.
34)What was his family beckoning for?
Ans. The family was beckoning him to stand on the green surface of the sea.
35)What happened after the seagull’s feet sank into the sea?
Ans. After the seagull’s feet sank into the sea, he screamed with fright and attempted to rise again flapping his wings.
36)When did he float on the green sea?
Ans. When his belly touched the sea, he floated on the green sea.
Read more about:∎ ‘His First Flight’ – Textual Question and Answers, Class IX, WBBSE