‘Brotherhood’ by Octavio Paz – Questions and Answers(L.A.Q.), Class 11, WBCHSE

1)What does the poet mean by ‘I am a man: little do I last’? What does he try to convey through the expression ‘the night is enormous’? [2+3 = 5] [H.S. =2020]

Ans. By this line, the poet means that man is very small and insignificant in comparison to the gigantic universe. He realizes that his existence is very short in the vast and powerful universe. The lifespan of human beings is transient.

The poet looks up at the starry sky and feels the limitless existence of the universe. Enormous in terms of the eternity of the universe is compared to the shortness of man’s life. On the other hand, the night stands for darkness. It means man’s limitation of thought and ignorance about the infinite universe.

2)In the poem ‘Brotherhood’ what does the poet say about his position on earth? What does the poet mean by ‘I too written’? How does he understand this? [2+2+1 = 5] [H.S. =2019]

Ans. In the poem ‘Brotherhood’, the poet says that his position on earth is very insignificant in comparison to the enormous universe. He realizes his lifespan is too short as well.

By this expression ‘I too am written’ the poet means that his life is already prescribed by almighty god. Everything is settled and controlled by cosmic laws like all other elements of the universe.

The poet understands this by his intuition or instinct.

3)Give the significance of the line ‘Unknowing I understand’ in Brotherhood. [5] [H.S. = 2015, 2018]

Ans. In the poem ‘Brotherhood’, the poet Octavio Paz looks up at the starry night sky and realizes that stars control and write the destiny of every element of the universe. The poet perceives this by his intuition or instinct. He fails to explain it logically as human beings are ignorant all about the universe and the cosmic laws. But he understands that his life is an integral part of the universe. So, his life was also predestined and prescribed by the almighty god.

4)Bring out the central idea of the poem ‘Brotherhood’. [5] [H.S. =2017] Or. What is the central idea of the poem ‘Brotherhood’? [5] [H.S. = 2014]

Ans. The poem ‘Brotherhood’ tells about the insignificant position of human beings in this vast universe. He has limitations of thoughts to unravel the mystery of cosmic laws and the universe. His lifespan is transient. He believes that he is predestined like all other elements by the hands of the almighty god. But he also believes that he can reverse his predicament and would gain a very special place in the universe through his own efforts.

5)Bring out the significance of the title of ‘Brotherhood’. [5] [H.S. = 2016]

Ans. In this poem, ‘Brotherhood’, the poet shows a relation among all the elements of the universe whether they are big or small. Human beings are also part of this universe. And the poet feels that the life and destiny of man are controlled by the cosmic force. In this sense, all the things in this universe are related to one another and share the brotherhood. So, the title is appropriate.

Read more about: ‘Brotherhood’ by Octavio Paz – Questions and Answers(S.A.Q.), Class 11, WBCHSE

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